Monday, 2 June 2014

We're Here!

Hotel Post, Pertisau
After a bit of an issue at Gatwick (no handling staff to unload and load the luggage on the plane - as the captain remarked, he assumed we wanted our luggage loaded in the plane!), we arrived in Chalet School Land about 7.30 pm on Saturday night.  We had a warm welcome at Hotel Post Reception for our check in and then hotfooted it up to our room to dump the bags before heading off to the Speisesaal for a well-deserved beer and a five-course meal. I say "room" but we actually have a suite really - a bathroom, loo, sitting-room and bedroom, on the fifth floor, with two balconies (one looks to the mountains at the back and the other on the side to the lake - best of both worlds!) The food was excellent and the service good, although English isn't widely spoken and my German isn't even basic!

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